Chatbot fails: 6 reasons they break and how to fix them.
There’s no doubt that chatbots and virtual assistants can deliver a better
customer experience and reduce costs. But, as smart enterprises are realizing, you can’t just spin up a basic one and expect it to work.
To get real value, it’s vital to understand what customers want and then design conversational experiences that meet those needs.
The problem is that all the media hype has led us to believe that you can replace a human with a bot. But that’s simply not true (and won’t be for some time to come, thankfully). You can’t expect a basic chatbot to meet your customers’ expectations when they’re looking for a human touch.
Wherever you are in your journey—whether you’re just considering implementing a chatbot or wondering why your current one isn’t living up to expectations—download this ebook to learn what it takes to deliver a stellar chatbot experience.